Our Mission

About Meweda

Our mission is to create a strong and supportive network within the Muslim diaspora community, fostering unity, empowerment, and a sense of belonging among individuals and families. We work to protect and defend the rights and freedoms of Ulemmas (Islamic scholars) from government interference and persecution. We believe that Ulemmas play a crucial role in guiding and educating the Muslim community.

We believe that by connecting and collaborating, we can strengthen our community, preserve our cultural and religious heritage, and address the unique challenges faced by the Islamic diaspora.

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  • Tube-well For Ethiopian Village.
  • Mentainance of power generator for a Village in Ethiopia
  • Extraction & Sanitation Power Generator.
  • Donate Tube-well for rural Ethiopia
    Raised: $0.00 Goal: $50,000.00
    About Essential

    Pillars of Islam

    • Shahadah
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    • Sawm
    • Zakat
    • Hajj
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    • mewedah.org

    Water is a blessing from Allah (swt) that we often take for granted, but du...

    Raised: $0.00 Goal: $50,000.00
    • Campaign has ended
    • mewedah.org

    At the heart of any Islamic community, a mosque can be found. Mosques are a...

    Raised: $0.00 Goal: $50,000.00
    • Campaign has ended
    • mewedah.org

    Islam is definitely accommodates olor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing eli...

    Raised: $0.00 Goal: $60,000.00
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    Islam is definitely accommodates olor sit amet, consecte...

    Islam is definitely accommodates olor sit amet, consecte...

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    Islamic Scholar
    Islamic Scholar

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