Ustaz Shemsedin Hamza
Islamic ScholarContact Details
- +(00) 123-345-11
- info@example.com
- 199 Park Lane A, London
- http://www.example.com
Courses of Expertise
- Aqidah
- Fiqih
- Suluk
- Fatwa with Importance
About Scholar
Ustaz Shemsedin Hamza has studied on various ethiopian and world wide renowned scholars. He is graduates of the famous ethiopian islamic school CMS Medresa. After completing his study at CMS he moved to yemen for further study and studied for more than 10 years.
After completing his study, currently he is Imam and Khatib at TERO Mesjid. He has weekly Quran Tefseer and Seerah class. He has weekly class at Zmezem Islamic study USA for Aqidah, Fiqih and Suluk
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